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Padua Mailinglists

Apart from maintaining a constant internal information flow, mailinglist have become the ideal tool to ensure that a lot of people with the same interests can get their share of information without much ado.
During the years Padua has invented and maintained some of them:...

The C64 Mailinglist
HVSC Update Mailinglist
Padua Update List

The C64 Mailinglist

Description: This is the mailinglist for the C64. Featureing many users and also a lot retired sceners, this mailinglist is the best one if you want to talk about the C64 and generally the C64 scene.

List activity: average

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HVSC Update Mailinglist

Description: This mailinglist informs about new updates in the High Voltage SID Collection. If you want to get the latest news on the HVSC, this is the right mailinglist for you.

List activity: low

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Padua Update List

Description: Get news from your favourite group Padua. Here you'll be informed about any news from the group, no matter if internet related, c64 related or anything.

List activity: low

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